313 results

Subject: The extent of application of the conditions and procedures for registration in the matter of insurance companies and agents to companies that conduct insurance business according to the Islamic Takaful system.
Opinion No. 2325 of 2002
Subject: Obligations of the contractor upon delivery.
Opinion No. 960 Registration No. 860/6/1986
Subject: Delegating to attend General Assembly meetings in joint stock companies between the principle and the conditions of implementation
Opinion No. 1369 Registration No. 683 of 1991
Topic: Scope of Exemption of Companies from Taxes on Fees and Profits.
Opinion No. 109 for the year
Subject: Definition of the employer, the private sector, the entity, the legal system, and the nationality of the foreign company's branch.
Opinion No. 2517 of 2004
Subject: Conditions of the company's right to commercial agency and the fate of commercial agencies prior to the amendment of the Commercial Agencies Law.
Opinion No. 1521 Registration No. 362 of 1992
Subject matter: It is permissible to sue the American company contracting with the General Command of the Armed Forces to recover the amount paid to it as an advance and to compensate for the damage resulting from its inability to implement its obligations related to the supply of desert military clothing.
Opinion No. 1704 of 1995
Subject: The position of the limited liability company in the liquidation stage and the distribution of the loss among the partners when its assets are counted against the payment of its debts, according to the size of the partner's share.
Opinion No. 1574 of 1993
Subject: Trade exchange with Israel.
Opinion No. 151 Registration No. 400 of 1975
Subject: the provisions applicable to the employees of the Arab Shipping Company.
Opinion No. 920 Registration No. 2517 of 1985
Topic: The concept of emergency conditions and the extent to which contractors can claim compensation under those circumstances.
Opinion No. 52 Registration No. 3/8 of the year
Subject: How the employee’s term of service ends or his work is considered continuing.
Opinion No. 2876 of 2007
Subject: Expressing an opinion on the interpretation of the text of Article (11/4) of Federal Law No. (2) of 2015 regarding commercial companies.
Consultation No. 3477 of 2016
Subject: The obligations of both a service agent for foreign companies and a service agent for simple trades.
Opinion No. 1831 of 1996
Subject: The difference between licenses issued by municipalities and commercial stores, licenses issued to companies wishing to trade, and the conditions that must be met.
Opinion No. 1561 of 1993
Subject: Contracts and tender and how to conduct them.
Opinion No. 116 of 1975
Subject: Housing allowance allocated to spouses working in the government.
Opinion No. 632/2 Registration No. 1349 of 1982
Subject: The extent of the obligation to install fire extinguishers in cars and the management authority to terminate the administrative contract and its effects.
Opinion No. 105 of the year
Subject: Expression of opinion on the interpretation of the provisions of Article (11/4) of Federal Law no. (2) of 2015 concerning commercial companies.
Legal Advice No. 3477
Subject: Questions about implementing the executive regulations of the Private Security Companies Law.
Opinion No. 4735/3/2/3/2963 for the year